Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Veronica Bayagich

Click on image for a larger view.


Corey said...

Well rendered. I like colored pencil a whole bunch, though this is a bit of the "light touch' for my taste. Throw the kid in and save yourself, lady!

Kellee Riley said...

That's one evil zebra! I like what you have going on here, although for me it's almost a bit unfinshed. The foreground and the sky seems too light to be fully there. Punch that up a bit. I really like the way you have started to render the characters in the foreground. I like the bolder outline all around them with the rendering inside. Reminds me a bit of Mucha. I would actually like to see the full illustration that way. The zebra, trees etc, rendered in that way might make it very nice. It could be a really great graphic piece. The wall in the background being a solid line...maybe would've liked to see either a different fence, or a little more variation so it makes it look like you didn't chop the drawing off. Very good rendering.

Tracy Mark Lee said...

Hi Veronica, very nicely rendered piece. The soft technique seems to contrast wonderfully with the horror that is going on. I like the fact that the piece is based on horizontals and the two things that break that feel are the diagonal of the zebra and the vertical of the horrified mom. The yellow helps mom pop out it would be nice to have pushed the contrast on the zebra to really make him pop. Me likey though.

Vanhoozerbot said...

Hey Veronica!. Scary zebra! I like that the Zebra is lurching forward and trying to snack on these people. I would go in and work on your color contrast a bit. You are getting some nice textures, but some of your colors are so light it looks like you stopped before you were finished. In the sky I can tell that you were leaving some areas clean to show clouds, but I think you would get a better result if you darkened that blue a bit so the white would really pop.Same with the trees, grass, etc. I feel it just needs a little more love.

Also, be careful when it comes to line tangents. The little boy's hand where it touches the Mother creates an odd line. I think if you worked your color a little more, this piece would really pop. Nice work all around.

Anonymous said...

Man! What's black and white and red all over? That zebra!

I like what's going on in this illustration, but thing could be punched up a little more. Maybe contrast the colors a little more, push the poses and expressions more. I'd like to see that zebra really trying to get through that fence!

Still, a very well-done rendering. Nice work.

Stephanie Gladden

PaintMonster said...

Hi Veronica, 
A poor zebra is drawn well. And, the appearance of the surprised parent and child is drawn almost well. However, it is necessary to research the background a little more.

sTeVeLeC said...

I like the idea, Veronica, but personally, I would compose this differently to elevate the drama. Maybe put the zebra in the foreground by placing your 'camera' to the right of the zebra's body and pose the humans more dynamically in the background. if you put the horizon line at the woman's eye level, the lines of the fence would create a wedge shape pointing to her as it travelled toward it's vanishing point. That would also give the picture a classic 'horror' feel. (Heh, this is hard to do without a visual aid.)

sTeVeLeC said...

Here's a thumbnail so you can see what I mean.