Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tyler Scarlet

Click on image for a larger view.


Corey said...

I'm not too tickled with the foreground characters, which is too bad, because the rendering of this tree is dope. So much atmosphere overall. Almost perfect- just not digging the peeps.

Kellee Riley said...

This is a great piece. Your rendering of the tree is fantastic! I like the balloon in the kid's hand at the bottom. Seems like that innocent moment before the kid gets eaten by the monkeys! Although I am a little confused with the poles at the top of the page, I understand trying to make the bottom and top unified. Not sure you needed them up on top, but at the same time, I am getting a big "mouth of teeth" feel, which in and itself could feel as if the zoo as a whole being IS the zombie. Great work!

Vanhoozerbot said...

Hey Tyler,

Really nice feel to this piece. You have created some great subtle lighting for the scene, and that always helps to set a spooky mood. I love the setting. I like the character placement.

My only real critique is about the "zoo bars" that you are using to frame the piece out. I can see what you were trying to do, but I am not sure it works. With this perspective, I would leave those bars out entirely.

I am impressed by this piece. Lighting is tough, and you did something really great here. Nice job.

Tracy Mark Lee said...

Beautiful rendering Tyler. Great use of color and composition. I can't really make out the creatures in the trees (perhaps my sight is fading), but I assume they are zombie monkeys. In any case very nice job!

Anonymous said...

This is a really nice piece. I love the rendering on the tree--nice color, great eerie lighting.

I don't think the bars at the top and bottom are necessary. I also think a flat glow to the monkeys' eyes might help to make them stand out a little more. But that's probably just a bias, since I find the way animals' eyes reflect at night to be unsettling.

Overall, a great feeling of creepiness and dread. I like it!

Stephanie Gladden

PaintMonster said...

I think that this work has the most superior idea in this years artists.
The drawing technique is immature. However, there is attractive atmosphere in this work. good job!

sTeVeLeC said...

This was my favourite if I remember correctly. I agree that glowing eyes would help us see the monkeys. What would really knock this concept out of the park would be to compose the picture from the branches of the tree, looking down at the people. That way, the shadowy sillhouettes of the monkeys would seem more menacing and the people would appear more vulnerable. One nice thing about composing with natural elements is that you can twist them around to fit your needs, unlike man-made objects. Good work.

sTeVeLeC said...

Here's a thumbnail for you: