Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kristen Knopf

Click on image to enlarge.


Corey said...

I've heard of this happening, and it's not funny!
Bird and background look great, victim- good.

Kellee Riley said...

I keep getting drawn to this image and that's a good thing. The colors are extremely nice and I like the composition a lot. The tail of the bird streaking up to the left, but then my eye's drawn back down with the swirls from the top. I can almost hear the pain coming from the figure there, although perhaps maybe the bird should have some more action going on, to show how it's hurting the person? But overall, a great piece! Well done!

Tracy Mark Lee said...

Wow, Kristen. I'm digging the painterly look. The elements look great as well as the design of the piece. It would have been helpful to possibly darken the BG a bit and possibly texture or color the parrots snack a bit differently as to make it out a bit better. It's a bit hard to see as the bird is the same color. Very cool idea as well.

Vanhoozerbot said...

Hey Kristen! I have to agree with the other judges and say that my eye is drawn to this image. The colors are bright, and I really get the impression that this guy is in some serious pain. Did he forget to feed his bird or what? I will once again agree with what has been said, in that the brains blend right in with the parrot. You could possibly make the brains a bit more "purplish" and keep that icky look. I also feel like the shadow covering the man's left eye is a little out of place. It would be nice to see his other eye in your current lighting. Overall, a great piece and a striking image. Nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm really impressed by this image. It had a great painterly quality and a good composition.The victim is especially good.

I think the only suggestions I'd make is to have the parrot's wings up and make the brains more, um, delineated.

But overall, job well done! Nice piece.

Stephanie Gladden

PaintMonster said...

Hi Kristen,
Sense of color is good. You may realize a more splendid expression if you learned a characteristic of natural paint. however good job!

sTeVeLeC said...

Nice job. One thing I'd recommend is thinking about how the parrot is standing. The person looks like he's in motion, but the parrot is sitting completely still. If you had the parrot with it's wings out to maintain balance, it might be a little more convincing. Also it would make the bird seem more vicious.