Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tony's Zombie


DeJarnette Designs said...

Hello Tony,

The zombie illustration is very bloody but I feel that the zombie looks more like a color sketch rather than a finished illustration. It could be because of the sketchiness of the lines and the details on the hands. Make sure that the drawing of the anatomy is correct on the hands to give it more of a polished professional look.

paige said...

She's pretty "healthy" looking for a Zombie!! Look at those curves!

To me, this drawing feels more like an exercise than it does a finished illstration. I say this because it sort of feels like you drew the pose from a fashion magazine and added bloody bits to Zombie-fy it. Which is fine and good but it would be nice to see it all pushed further. I'm not sure what she's doing with her hands all curled up like that...have they atrophied? It might have been nice to continue her glamour pose on down to her arms and hands(?)and really play up that idea throughout the environment, etc. Nice job!

Vanhoozerbot said...

I agree with the other guys on this one. It looks unfinished. If that was the look you are going for, usually that would include things like construction lines and rough pencil work, so it's almost too clean for that.

The anatomy is a bit off, but that will come with practice. I am no good at anatomy without reference, and even then I have to work at it. The one thing that you do get with practice, is "the eye." All that means is that you will be able to look at your drawings and say..."Man, I don't know what it is, but that doesn't look right." The hands are just not looking connected to the arms, but I think with a little tweaking you could nail it.

Overall, it is a strong concept, that just needs a bit more work. Nice color work, and background effect. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I liked this one. I thought it came closest to the name of the competition. I agree with the others about the hands. but I really liked the matted hair, and the mess of her face, she looks like a zombie on her way to a beauty pagent.
like jeremy said, it takes time to develop the eye to know when things look wrong. don't forget it's always helpful to flip your drawing, that usually brings out a lot of issues that you may not notice right away.
I also liked the watercolor styled background too. and the red dress really pops her off the 'page'
-Joe Pekar

Anonymous said...

I like the execution but could have pushed the zombie aspect of the piece.

Kellee Riley said...

You have good composition going on here. My eye travels up and down fluidly and the technique used on the background helps bring me fully through. The hands threw me off just a bit on this, but hand anatomy just takes a lot of practice. If you have a digital camera handy, just get a friend to pose, snap a pic and study it. That might help. I like the choice of the red dress. It really pops off from the background and stands out from her jet black hair.
Overall, very nice job!


PotatoFarmGirl said...

I like the grey wash in the background, and that boa looks dirty and dripping with juices. Sick! Everything reads pretty good except for the hands. At first it looked like she was pulling a "Venus di Milo". Zombies don't need arms, there dead and all that, but I noticed her knuckles and hands after the fact. I'm sure someone has given this comment, but what will help in the future is try blacking out the silhouette of the character. If it doesn't read as a sillhouette, just go back through and adjust the pose. Otherwise, awesome job, the red on that dress is a lovely morbid rose!

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of what the other judges are saying. I like how you kept to the theme of the contest - deliciously gross!

I enjoyed the face and torque in her body, and the way you popped her out with the red color of her dress.

However, as was mentioned before, this does not seem like a finished illustration to me. I can see the beginnings of a style which might be kind of free spirited and minimal, but if so it needs a bit more developing.

Her right hand confuses me, I would hav liked to have seen more care taken with that.

It seems that this was done quite quickly, and sometimes that can be good, but it needs to be tempered with more care and more deliberate exectution.

Great beginnings though!

Anonymous said...

I did it again Joe! I forgot to sign my name to that last one, haha. My bad.
