Saturday, October 27, 2007

Richie's Zombie


DeJarnette Designs said...

Hey Richie,

The zombie illustration is in a graphic style which is okay. I think that the background color should be different to pop out the zombie in the foreground. The yellowish color of the moon and the Black Lotus building are merging with the yellow on the zombie. The moon appears to be sticking onto the zombie's back rather than receding away and the foot appears to be touching the building.

One cool formula to think of is that colors that are either cool, less saturated, less detailed or dark will recede into the background. Colors that are either warm, hightly saturated, highly detaled, light or bright will stand out or pop out in the foreground.

Also if you want your main foreground image to stand out in the illustration then use complementary colors in your background. To complement the yellows on the zombie, your color choices will be red violet, violet or blue violet.

Play around with the colors to pop out the zombie more.

Layron DeJarnette

paige said...

Ew! Nice eyeball flinging out of the socket! YICK! (I like it! So gross!)

Some things blend together too much and make for a difficult read tho...for example, the hair blends into the shirt which makes his head look like it's floating a little. Also, the Zombie skin and moon color are too similar. Dejarnette's suggestions regarding color are good. You could cool down the moon color and even make it a little smaller...perhaps pulling it upwards to camera left (?!) I say this because so much of the action piled up in the center. I don't know if my suggestion would work, per se, but it often times, playing around with the placement of the assorted elements can help with the composition and silhouette of the drawing. I love the sense of motion that this guy is falling off the building. I dig the one arm folded backward with blood. Gross. I think it might be nice to see the other (missing) right arm as dismembered and flying back into the sky could reinforce the dynamic falling/ attack action of this scene. I'm not sure about the foreshortening of this guys right leg and if we'd see so much of that foot tho. Overall, a very nice job!

Vanhoozerbot said...

Most of the issues I see have been covered by the talented artists before me. I will see what I can add.

Building on existing comments...

Color is your biggest issue here. Your drawing is pretty strong, and you have lost a lot of it in your color. Move the moon away from the body. Like DeJarnette said, cool the colors down for the background and let your Zombie pop. (Ewwww.)

And Paige is dead on (sorry) about the trail of body parts behind him. Show some motion! Your guy is falling and every little bit of him is flying off. Show us!

Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Fun idea and I like the cartoony style, but it could benefited from more foreshortening in the figure and greater value range. Using the same yellows in the moon, zombie skin and building really flatten out the piece.

Kellee Riley said...

The other judges have covered most everything I could say about this piece.
My personal issue would be to think out your compositioning first. When doing a character based illustration, the best way to think of how to composite the character is think of how it would look like in a silhouette. If you were to make it completely black, can you read what the character is doing or does it just look like a pile of mush? I do this when posing my characters out.
Definately pushing the building and moon back from the character in this piece with different colors would help us focus on the subject.
Good effort!


PotatoFarmGirl said...

There is alot of vector work in this! I know how time consuming that can be. I like how his clothes and eyeball show that he is falling. He is pretty disgusing, with his tongue hanging out. You may want to play with the background more. There isn't much contrast between him and the background. Maybe try darkening or adding a layer of grey or someother dark color over the background, but not him. It may make him pop more. And remember to watch your zombie at all times, he seems to like jumping off of roofs. :)

Anonymous said...

Let me see what I can add or reiterate without repeating the other posters before me....

This is one of my favorites. I like the face very much , especialy the tongue and jaw area. There is also a sense of movement which gives the image a lot of interest.

Some things to work on would be your color choices. If you are interested in a dominant color, such as yellow here, why not tint the image yelow at the end instead? The lack of color differentiation and makes the image very hard to read from far away.

Other than playing with the color to make the character read better against the backround would be using some lighting techniques - that would also increse the depth of the image and help clear up some of the confusion.

I hope this helps!
